
Rust crates reviews

Cryptographically verifiable, distributed dependency reviews

crate: dinghy-lib


Add the last reviewed version to Cargo.toml / [dependencies]:

dinghy-lib = "0.4.16"

Filter reviews clicking on the numbers in the summary.

Full column names in tooltip hints: rating Negative, rating Neutral, rating Positive, rating Strong, thoroughness, understanding, reviews count.

crate version
thoroughness, understanding
dinghy-lib 0.4.16
low, low

0.4.16: Trivial version bumps, thread -> std::thread
0.4.15: Trivial version bumps
0.4.14: Trivial version bumps, lots of pointless style changes, a few warning fixes (missing dyns etc.)
0.4.13: Trivial version bumps
0.4.12: Trivial version bumps
thoroughness: low - mostly due to iOS FFI, shell stuff not being super thorough, and review fatigue causing my eyes to glaze over in places.
understanding: low - lots of shell/path stuff that I don't know well enough to verify
rating: neutral - see concerns bellow.


  • Looks like lots of stuff might not work on windows... although there is windows-specific code, so maybe?
  • Lots of unimplemented!()
  • iOS support is chock full of unsafe { ... } for FFI. I haven't verified the FFI signatures.
  • iOS support also uses unsafe { ... } for several objective C casts. Needs some sanity checked utility functions.
  • iOS support has some potential UB during panics due to unwinding over FFI boundaries.
  • Implements some code signing stuff for iOS. Necessary, and just your local certs, but I haven't fully reasoned through what security impacts if any that has.
  • Few unit tests visible in the crate itself (maybe they're separate and unpackaged?)
  • Sandboxing concerns
    • Remotes into other devices, including over ssh.
    • Frequent use of shell commands could lead to build server RCEs given malicious project metadata
    • Malicious projects will just use a build.rs file though, front door is open so to speak.


src\android\device.rs +1
14 Odd place to install...
src\android\mod.rs +1
155 Could also check android studio SDK install path

src\host\device.rs +1
src\host\mod.rs +1
src\host\platform.rs +1

src\ios\device.rs 0
50 Not sure if the underlying iOS APIs are thread safe, but this seems acceptable.
277 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks generally safe except for scary mem::transmute(kCFBooleanTrue), but even that may be right.
303 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
367 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me, but needlessly large.
419 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
440 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
454 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
487 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me, but needlessly large.
519 This thread just eats errors.
683 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Transmute... probably safe.
690 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
691 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Scary Core Foundation related transmutes... probably OK, but some utilities to sanity check these conversions in debug would be nice.
696 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Another scary-but-probably-safe transmute.
src\ios\helpers.py +1
src\ios\mobiledevice_sys.rs 0
FFI, not perfectly verified since I don't have an OS X machine to check the headers out on.
Ref: https://github.com/PanayotCankov/device.io/blob/master/idb/MobileDevice.h
Various minor const differences, a few functions missing in ref, a few likely improved definitions in places.
33 am_device_notification_callback_info has "extra" field vs reference, "subscription". iOS internal struct?
src\ios\mod.rs 0
43 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
55 technically unsound inner fn (uses ptrs)
61 Scary looking as hell, but I think this is just going Box (40) -> void* (48) -> Box (here).
62 UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR: Possible panic unwind through FFI, technically an hazard.
I would've missed this edge case but for the comment, so I'm not docking points.
Unlikely to cause severe problems, but would be worth fixing.
src\ios\platform.rs +1
src\ios\xcode.rs +1
25 Dead code not reviewed
91 I have not thoroughly audited this code signing stuff, but looks OK.
199 com.zoy.kali.Dinghy? A bit hardcoded...

src\platform\mod.rs +1
src\platform\regular_platform.rs +1
44 Since when does "regular" mean "*nix" - might not work on windows.

src\script\device.rs +1
src\script\mod.rs +1

src\ssh\device.rs 0
src\ssh\mod.rs +1

src\compiler.rs +1
475 Isn't this unbanned?
src\config.rs +1
src\device.rs +1
src\errors.rs +1
src\lib.rs +1
87 random sleep? why?
src\overlay.rs +1
src\project.rs +1
src\toolchain.rs +1
src\utils.rs +1

build.rs +1
Cargo.toml +1
Cargo.toml.orig +1


Neat loop pattern:

for (a,     b,      c) in &[
    ("a",   "b",    "c"),
    ("aa",  "bb",   "cc"),
] {

Sysroot paths: ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/sysroot/usr/lib/{binutils_cpu}-linux-{abi_kind}"

dinghy-lib 0.4.15
low, low

0.4.15: Trivial version bumps
0.4.14: Trivial version bumps, lots of pointless style changes, a few warning fixes (missing dyns etc.)
0.4.13: Trivial version bumps
0.4.12: Trivial version bumps
thoroughness: low - mostly due to iOS FFI, shell stuff not being super thorough, and review fatigue causing my eyes to glaze over in places.
understanding: low - lots of shell/path stuff that I don't know well enough to verify
rating: neutral - see concerns bellow.


  • Looks like lots of stuff might not work on windows... although there is windows-specific code, so maybe?
  • Lots of unimplemented!()
  • iOS support is chock full of unsafe { ... } for FFI. I haven't verified the FFI signatures.
  • iOS support also uses unsafe { ... } for several objective C casts. Needs some sanity checked utility functions.
  • iOS support has some potential UB during panics due to unwinding over FFI boundaries.
  • Implements some code signing stuff for iOS. Necessary, and just your local certs, but I haven't fully reasoned through what security impacts if any that has.
  • Few unit tests visible in the crate itself (maybe they're separate and unpackaged?)
  • Sandboxing concerns
    • Remotes into other devices, including over ssh.
    • Frequent use of shell commands could lead to build server RCEs given malicious project metadata
    • Malicious projects will just use a build.rs file though, front door is open so to speak.


src\android\device.rs +1
14 Odd place to install...
src\android\mod.rs +1
155 Could also check android studio SDK install path

src\host\device.rs +1
src\host\mod.rs +1
src\host\platform.rs +1

src\ios\device.rs 0
50 Not sure if the underlying iOS APIs are thread safe, but this seems acceptable.
277 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks generally safe except for scary mem::transmute(kCFBooleanTrue), but even that may be right.
303 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
367 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me, but needlessly large.
419 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
440 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
454 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
487 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me, but needlessly large.
519 This thread just eats errors.
683 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Transmute... probably safe.
690 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
691 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Scary Core Foundation related transmutes... probably OK, but some utilities to sanity check these conversions in debug would be nice.
696 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Another scary-but-probably-safe transmute.
src\ios\helpers.py +1
src\ios\mobiledevice_sys.rs 0
FFI, not perfectly verified since I don't have an OS X machine to check the headers out on.
Ref: https://github.com/PanayotCankov/device.io/blob/master/idb/MobileDevice.h
Various minor const differences, a few functions missing in ref, a few likely improved definitions in places.
33 am_device_notification_callback_info has "extra" field vs reference, "subscription". iOS internal struct?
src\ios\mod.rs 0
43 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
55 technically unsound inner fn (uses ptrs)
61 Scary looking as hell, but I think this is just going Box (40) -> void* (48) -> Box (here).
62 UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR: Possible panic unwind through FFI, technically an hazard.
I would've missed this edge case but for the comment, so I'm not docking points.
Unlikely to cause severe problems, but would be worth fixing.
src\ios\platform.rs +1
src\ios\xcode.rs +1
25 Dead code not reviewed
91 I have not thoroughly audited this code signing stuff, but looks OK.
199 com.zoy.kali.Dinghy? A bit hardcoded...

src\platform\mod.rs +1
src\platform\regular_platform.rs +1
44 Since when does "regular" mean "*nix" - might not work on windows.

src\script\device.rs +1
src\script\mod.rs +1

src\ssh\device.rs 0
src\ssh\mod.rs +1

src\compiler.rs +1
475 Isn't this unbanned?
src\config.rs +1
src\device.rs +1
src\errors.rs +1
src\lib.rs +1
87 random sleep? why?
src\overlay.rs +1
src\project.rs +1
src\toolchain.rs +1
src\utils.rs +1

build.rs +1
Cargo.toml +1
Cargo.toml.orig +1


Neat loop pattern:

for (a,     b,      c) in &[
    ("a",   "b",    "c"),
    ("aa",  "bb",   "cc"),
] {

Sysroot paths: ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/sysroot/usr/lib/{binutils_cpu}-linux-{abi_kind}"

dinghy-lib 0.4.14
low, low

0.4.14: Trivial version bumps, lots of pointless style changes, a few warning fixes (missing dyns etc.)
0.4.13: Trivial version bumps
0.4.12: Trivial version bumps
thoroughness: low - mostly due to iOS FFI, shell stuff not being super thorough, and review fatigue causing my eyes to glaze over in places.
understanding: low - lots of shell/path stuff that I don't know well enough to verify
rating: neutral - see concerns bellow.


  • Looks like lots of stuff might not work on windows... although there is windows-specific code, so maybe?
  • Lots of unimplemented!()
  • iOS support is chock full of unsafe { ... } for FFI. I haven't verified the FFI signatures.
  • iOS support also uses unsafe { ... } for several objective C casts. Needs some sanity checked utility functions.
  • iOS support has some potential UB during panics due to unwinding over FFI boundaries.
  • Implements some code signing stuff for iOS. Necessary, and just your local certs, but I haven't fully reasoned through what security impacts if any that has.
  • Few unit tests visible in the crate itself (maybe they're separate and unpackaged?)
  • Sandboxing concerns
    • Remotes into other devices, including over ssh.
    • Frequent use of shell commands could lead to build server RCEs given malicious project metadata
    • Malicious projects will just use a build.rs file though, front door is open so to speak.


src\android\device.rs +1
14 Odd place to install...
src\android\mod.rs +1
155 Could also check android studio SDK install path

src\host\device.rs +1
src\host\mod.rs +1
src\host\platform.rs +1

src\ios\device.rs 0
50 Not sure if the underlying iOS APIs are thread safe, but this seems acceptable.
277 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks generally safe except for scary mem::transmute(kCFBooleanTrue), but even that may be right.
303 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
367 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me, but needlessly large.
419 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
440 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
454 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
487 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me, but needlessly large.
519 This thread just eats errors.
683 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Transmute... probably safe.
690 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
691 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Scary Core Foundation related transmutes... probably OK, but some utilities to sanity check these conversions in debug would be nice.
696 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Another scary-but-probably-safe transmute.
src\ios\helpers.py +1
src\ios\mobiledevice_sys.rs 0
FFI, not perfectly verified since I don't have an OS X machine to check the headers out on.
Ref: https://github.com/PanayotCankov/device.io/blob/master/idb/MobileDevice.h
Various minor const differences, a few functions missing in ref, a few likely improved definitions in places.
33 am_device_notification_callback_info has "extra" field vs reference, "subscription". iOS internal struct?
src\ios\mod.rs 0
43 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
55 technically unsound inner fn (uses ptrs)
61 Scary looking as hell, but I think this is just going Box (40) -> void* (48) -> Box (here).
62 UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR: Possible panic unwind through FFI, technically an hazard.
I would've missed this edge case but for the comment, so I'm not docking points.
Unlikely to cause severe problems, but would be worth fixing.
src\ios\platform.rs +1
src\ios\xcode.rs +1
25 Dead code not reviewed
91 I have not thoroughly audited this code signing stuff, but looks OK.
199 com.zoy.kali.Dinghy? A bit hardcoded...

src\platform\mod.rs +1
src\platform\regular_platform.rs +1
44 Since when does "regular" mean "*nix" - might not work on windows.

src\script\device.rs +1
src\script\mod.rs +1

src\ssh\device.rs 0
src\ssh\mod.rs +1

src\compiler.rs +1
475 Isn't this unbanned?
src\config.rs +1
src\device.rs +1
src\errors.rs +1
src\lib.rs +1
87 random sleep? why?
src\overlay.rs +1
src\project.rs +1
src\toolchain.rs +1
src\utils.rs +1

build.rs +1
Cargo.toml +1
Cargo.toml.orig +1


Neat loop pattern:

for (a,     b,      c) in &[
    ("a",   "b",    "c"),
    ("aa",  "bb",   "cc"),
] {

Sysroot paths: ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/sysroot/usr/lib/{binutils_cpu}-linux-{abi_kind}"

dinghy-lib 0.4.13
low, low

0.4.13: Trivial version bumps
0.4.12: Trivial version bumps
thoroughness: low - mostly due to iOS FFI, shell stuff not being super thorough, and review fatigue causing my eyes to glaze over in places.
understanding: low - lots of shell/path stuff that I don't know well enough to verify
rating: neutral - see concerns bellow.


  • Looks like lots of stuff might not work on windows... although there is windows-specific code, so maybe?
  • Lots of unimplemented!()
  • iOS support is chock full of unsafe { ... } for FFI. I haven't verified the FFI signatures.
  • iOS support also uses unsafe { ... } for several objective C casts. Needs some sanity checked utility functions.
  • iOS support has some potential UB during panics due to unwinding over FFI boundaries.
  • Implements some code signing stuff for iOS. Necessary, and just your local certs, but I haven't fully reasoned through what security impacts if any that has.
  • Few unit tests visible in the crate itself (maybe they're separate and unpackaged?)
  • Sandboxing concerns
    • Remotes into other devices, including over ssh.
    • Frequent use of shell commands could lead to build server RCEs given malicious project metadata
    • Malicious projects will just use a build.rs file though, front door is open so to speak.


src\android\device.rs +1
14 Odd place to install...
src\android\mod.rs +1
155 Could also check android studio SDK install path

src\host\device.rs +1
src\host\mod.rs +1
src\host\platform.rs +1

src\ios\device.rs 0
50 Not sure if the underlying iOS APIs are thread safe, but this seems acceptable.
277 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks generally safe except for scary mem::transmute(kCFBooleanTrue), but even that may be right.
303 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
367 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me, but needlessly large.
419 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
440 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
454 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
487 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me, but needlessly large.
519 This thread just eats errors.
683 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Transmute... probably safe.
690 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
691 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Scary Core Foundation related transmutes... probably OK, but some utilities to sanity check these conversions in debug would be nice.
696 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Another scary-but-probably-safe transmute.
src\ios\helpers.py +1
src\ios\mobiledevice_sys.rs 0
FFI, not perfectly verified since I don't have an OS X machine to check the headers out on.
Ref: https://github.com/PanayotCankov/device.io/blob/master/idb/MobileDevice.h
Various minor const differences, a few functions missing in ref, a few likely improved definitions in places.
33 am_device_notification_callback_info has "extra" field vs reference, "subscription". iOS internal struct?
src\ios\mod.rs 0
43 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
55 technically unsound inner fn (uses ptrs)
61 Scary looking as hell, but I think this is just going Box (40) -> void* (48) -> Box (here).
62 UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR: Possible panic unwind through FFI, technically an hazard.
I would've missed this edge case but for the comment, so I'm not docking points.
Unlikely to cause severe problems, but would be worth fixing.
src\ios\platform.rs +1
src\ios\xcode.rs +1
25 Dead code not reviewed
91 I have not thoroughly audited this code signing stuff, but looks OK.
199 com.zoy.kali.Dinghy? A bit hardcoded...

src\platform\mod.rs +1
src\platform\regular_platform.rs +1
44 Since when does "regular" mean "*nix" - might not work on windows.

src\script\device.rs +1
src\script\mod.rs +1

src\ssh\device.rs 0
src\ssh\mod.rs +1

src\compiler.rs +1
475 Isn't this unbanned?
src\config.rs +1
src\device.rs +1
src\errors.rs +1
src\lib.rs +1
87 random sleep? why?
src\overlay.rs +1
src\project.rs +1
src\toolchain.rs +1
src\utils.rs +1

build.rs +1
Cargo.toml +1
Cargo.toml.orig +1


Neat loop pattern:

for (a,     b,      c) in &[
    ("a",   "b",    "c"),
    ("aa",  "bb",   "cc"),
] {

Sysroot paths: ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/sysroot/usr/lib/{binutils_cpu}-linux-{abi_kind}"

dinghy-lib 0.4.12
low, low

0.4.12: Trivial version bumps
thoroughness: low - mostly due to iOS FFI, shell stuff not being super thorough, and review fatigue causing my eyes to glaze over in places.
understanding: low - lots of shell/path stuff that I don't know well enough to verify
rating: neutral - see concerns bellow.


  • Looks like lots of stuff might not work on windows... although there is windows-specific code, so maybe?
  • Lots of unimplemented!()
  • iOS support is chock full of unsafe { ... } for FFI. I haven't verified the FFI signatures.
  • iOS support also uses unsafe { ... } for several objective C casts. Needs some sanity checked utility functions.
  • iOS support has some potential UB during panics due to unwinding over FFI boundaries.
  • Implements some code signing stuff for iOS. Necessary, and just your local certs, but I haven't fully reasoned through what security impacts if any that has.
  • Few unit tests visible in the crate itself (maybe they're separate and unpackaged?)
  • Sandboxing concerns
    • Remotes into other devices, including over ssh.
    • Frequent use of shell commands could lead to build server RCEs given malicious project metadata
    • Malicious projects will just use a build.rs file though, front door is open so to speak.


src\android\device.rs +1
14 Odd place to install...
src\android\mod.rs +1
155 Could also check android studio SDK install path

src\host\device.rs +1
src\host\mod.rs +1
src\host\platform.rs +1

src\ios\device.rs 0
50 Not sure if the underlying iOS APIs are thread safe, but this seems acceptable.
277 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks generally safe except for scary mem::transmute(kCFBooleanTrue), but even that may be right.
303 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
367 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me, but needlessly large.
419 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
440 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
454 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
487 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me, but needlessly large.
519 This thread just eats errors.
683 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Transmute... probably safe.
690 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
691 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Scary Core Foundation related transmutes... probably OK, but some utilities to sanity check these conversions in debug would be nice.
696 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Another scary-but-probably-safe transmute.
src\ios\helpers.py +1
src\ios\mobiledevice_sys.rs 0
FFI, not perfectly verified since I don't have an OS X machine to check the headers out on.
Ref: https://github.com/PanayotCankov/device.io/blob/master/idb/MobileDevice.h
Various minor const differences, a few functions missing in ref, a few likely improved definitions in places.
33 am_device_notification_callback_info has "extra" field vs reference, "subscription". iOS internal struct?
src\ios\mod.rs 0
43 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
55 technically unsound inner fn (uses ptrs)
61 Scary looking as hell, but I think this is just going Box (40) -> void* (48) -> Box (here).
62 UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR: Possible panic unwind through FFI, technically an hazard.
I would've missed this edge case but for the comment, so I'm not docking points.
Unlikely to cause severe problems, but would be worth fixing.
src\ios\platform.rs +1
src\ios\xcode.rs +1
25 Dead code not reviewed
91 I have not thoroughly audited this code signing stuff, but looks OK.
199 com.zoy.kali.Dinghy? A bit hardcoded...

src\platform\mod.rs +1
src\platform\regular_platform.rs +1
44 Since when does "regular" mean "*nix" - might not work on windows.

src\script\device.rs +1
src\script\mod.rs +1

src\ssh\device.rs 0
src\ssh\mod.rs +1

src\compiler.rs +1
475 Isn't this unbanned?
src\config.rs +1
src\device.rs +1
src\errors.rs +1
src\lib.rs +1
87 random sleep? why?
src\overlay.rs +1
src\project.rs +1
src\toolchain.rs +1
src\utils.rs +1

build.rs +1
Cargo.toml +1
Cargo.toml.orig +1


Neat loop pattern:

for (a,     b,      c) in &[
    ("a",   "b",    "c"),
    ("aa",  "bb",   "cc"),
] {

Sysroot paths: ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/sysroot/usr/lib/{binutils_cpu}-linux-{abi_kind}"

dinghy-lib 0.4.11
low, low

thoroughness: low - mostly due to iOS FFI, shell stuff not being super thorough, and review fatigue causing my eyes to glaze over in places.
understanding: low - lots of shell/path stuff that I don't know well enough to verify
rating: neutral - see concerns bellow.


  • Looks like lots of stuff might not work on windows... although there is windows-specific code, so maybe?
  • Lots of unimplemented!()
  • iOS support is chock full of unsafe { ... } for FFI. I haven't verified the FFI signatures.
  • iOS support also uses unsafe { ... } for several objective C casts. Needs some sanity checked utility functions.
  • iOS support has some potential UB during panics due to unwinding over FFI boundaries.
  • Implements some code signing stuff for iOS. Necessary, and just your local certs, but I haven't fully reasoned through what security impacts if any that has.
  • Few unit tests visible in the crate itself (maybe they're separate and unpackaged?)
  • Sandboxing concerns
    • Remotes into other devices, including over ssh.
    • Frequent use of shell commands could lead to build server RCEs given malicious project metadata
    • Malicious projects will just use a build.rs file though, front door is open so to speak.


src\android\device.rs +1
14 Odd place to install...
src\android\mod.rs +1
155 Could also check android studio SDK install path

src\host\device.rs +1
src\host\mod.rs +1
src\host\platform.rs +1

src\ios\device.rs 0
50 Not sure if the underlying iOS APIs are thread safe, but this seems acceptable.
277 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks generally safe except for scary mem::transmute(kCFBooleanTrue), but even that may be right.
303 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
367 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me, but needlessly large.
419 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
440 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
454 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
487 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me, but needlessly large.
519 This thread just eats errors.
683 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Transmute... probably safe.
690 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
691 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Scary Core Foundation related transmutes... probably OK, but some utilities to sanity check these conversions in debug would be nice.
696 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Another scary-but-probably-safe transmute.
src\ios\helpers.py +1
src\ios\mobiledevice_sys.rs 0
FFI, not perfectly verified since I don't have an OS X machine to check the headers out on.
Ref: https://github.com/PanayotCankov/device.io/blob/master/idb/MobileDevice.h
Various minor const differences, a few functions missing in ref, a few likely improved definitions in places.
33 am_device_notification_callback_info has "extra" field vs reference, "subscription". iOS internal struct?
src\ios\mod.rs 0
43 unsafe { ... } for FFI. Looks safe to me.
55 technically unsound inner fn (uses ptrs)
61 Scary looking as hell, but I think this is just going Box (40) -> void* (48) -> Box (here).
62 UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR: Possible panic unwind through FFI, technically an hazard.
I would've missed this edge case but for the comment, so I'm not docking points.
Unlikely to cause severe problems, but would be worth fixing.
src\ios\platform.rs +1
src\ios\xcode.rs +1
25 Dead code not reviewed
91 I have not thoroughly audited this code signing stuff, but looks OK.
199 com.zoy.kali.Dinghy? A bit hardcoded...

src\platform\mod.rs +1
src\platform\regular_platform.rs +1
44 Since when does "regular" mean "*nix" - might not work on windows.

src\script\device.rs +1
src\script\mod.rs +1

src\ssh\device.rs 0
src\ssh\mod.rs +1

src\compiler.rs +1
475 Isn't this unbanned?
src\config.rs +1
src\device.rs +1
src\errors.rs +1
src\lib.rs +1
87 random sleep? why?
src\overlay.rs +1
src\project.rs +1
src\toolchain.rs +1
src\utils.rs +1

build.rs +1
Cargo.toml +1
Cargo.toml.orig +1


Neat loop pattern:

for (a,     b,      c) in &[
    ("a",   "b",    "c"),
    ("aa",  "bb",   "cc"),
] {

Sysroot paths: ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/sysroot/usr/lib/{binutils_cpu}-linux-{abi_kind}"

© bestia.dev 2023, MIT License, Version: 2023.608.1636

Open source repository for this web app: https://github.com/bestia-dev/cargo_crev_web/